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I’m noticing a trend…

I move, Mark goes on a TDY. This happened when I moved to Alabama, except that TDY was only 5 days. This TDY for Mark is 9 weeks. 9 long weeks. He’ll miss Valentines Day and we’ve only been in Montana 2 weeks, so I’m not sure where I’m going yet. I guess it’s safe to say I’m feeling more than a little down. But, I’m desperately trying to keep myself busy. Lots to do yet with the house, and as soon as we get reimbursed for all the PCS costs, I will be visiting my family in Ohio. I’ve applied for a few jobs, will be applying for a few more and got a few crafts to do and books to read. That’s really going to be the key, is keeping myself busy. Wallowing and moping will get me nowhere.  The great thing I’ve noticed among military wives/girlfriends is there is an almost instant kinship. We all know what the other is going through and we band together quickly to help each other out. My “military friends” stretch from my hometown in Ohio to Alabama to Florida to Colorado to Germany to California and all over the world thanks to the worldwide web. And I am so very grateful to all of them. I will need their love and support these next several weeks. When you’re “just a girlfriend” you can’t always find out as much information as a wife can, so these people become my lifeline in the event I can’t reach Mark or if there’s something I’m too embarrassed to ask him.  Military wives and girlfriends certainly do form a sisterhood of sorts, and we’re some of the strongest women you’ll ever meet!

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