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It seems as though I have “started over” more times in the last 3 years than I can even comprehend at times. Between moving 3 times, switching jobs and my whole romance with Mark, it’s enough to make anyone’s head spin. For 2011, here’s what is on the agenda as far as I’m aware. Keep in mind it’s only the middle of January: settling in in Montana and starting my new job at a hospital in February. Mark will be returning from his TDY in March. After that, we’ll see what happens.  I am excited about my new job, though I don’t have experience working in a hospital pharmacy. I look forward to learning new skills and meeting new people. It will also help the last month of Mark’s TDY to pass a lot faster for me. I miss him terribly and it’s lonely here. I only know one person here in Montana, which would be our landlord. He’s nice, but I don’t really see me hanging out with him.  So starting my job is going to help me to focus on something other than Mark being gone.  Now that I’m reflecting on everything that I’ve been through, I do not regret one choice I’ve made or one change I’ve made. I’ve said before that I believe we’re all on a path that leads us to our destiny and for the last few years, I’ve been learning to enjoy the ride.

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